The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Sales through Better In-Store Promotions 

Whether you are a privately-held or publicly traded retailer, the goal each & every quarter is to generate monstrous revenue growth.

But given the times we live in, growth is a goal that is expected but not always reached, given the variety of pressures the pandemic is pushing down on retailers. It is critical that in this quarter (and the future quarters to come), you are driving new sales from the most anxious consumers. But how?

The purpose of this white paper is to provide valuable information on how you can utilize your transactional data to determine whether your in-store promotions are truly effective or if they’re damaging your sales performance.

What You’ll Learn From This Whitepaper

This white paper was designed to help you...
  • Remove "false positives" from your promotion performance tracking
  • Improve the ROI of your loyalty & promotional programs
  • Highlight how an Agilence retail customer tackled a $1.8 million dollar promotional problem
  • And, more...